
This is just my little corner of the cyber-world, a place where I would like to share information and discussion about all things Pagan.

The Author

Druweid Firewolf is many things, depending entirely on to whom it relates. It is a magickal name, a pseudonym, a spiritual identity, a character in a story, a philosophical construct, a myth, an identity, a phantom, an apparition, a second cousin to Harvey the rabbit, and it is me. I am little more, and nothing less, than what I appear to be, to you, the reader.

The name, “Druweid,” is Proto-Celtic, is pronounced “DROO-eyed,” and roughly translates to “Seeker of Truth.”

From an early age, I was clearly precocious. I began learning to read around age four, and it was from that time on that I came to understand that reading, and therefore knowledge, was power. It was an early lesson that has served me well. By the time I was six, I was reading voraciously and learning much about religion. I had no shortage of material, as my family was religiously diverse; Catholic, Baptist, Methodist, Congregationalist, and Christian Science (not Scientology; see Mary Baker Eddy). I had read the Bible extensively, and by the age of nine, I was able to quote many portions of the New Testament by chapter and verse.

In my mid-teens, I continued to consider myself very religious but began refusing to align myself with a particular denomination or church.  I won’t detail my exact reasons, as I would consider such to be exerting undue influence on a person’s choice of religion, but I simply was not entirely comfortable with making myself a dedicated member of any one group. I had, however, continued my religious studies on my own, in earnest, giving none authority over another, but keeping all worthy of consideration. I also began including Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism in my studies.

Throughout my late teen years, and as a young adult, I considered myself something of a cross between a Deist, an Agnostic, and a Heretic. For the most part, I remained complacent with having no declared denomination and continued to view Deity and the Divine in my own way. Through it all, my most basic and most heartfelt beliefs hadn’t really changed much at all.

I was well into my adulthood when I began studying Wicca and read many of the works by Gerald Gardiner, Doreen Valiente, and Raymond Buckland. While I did not find Wicca to be a suitable Path for myself, it ultimately led me to discover Paganism and Neopaganism.  It was around this time I realized, without foreknowledge or instruction, that I had been following a Pagan path all along.

I still generally consider myself a Neopagan but continue to resist formal designations and titles. My research and practice continues to be diverse, as I consider religion to be, as with life, more a pursuit than a destination. I now have a path that allows me to practice in my own way, in my own home, at my own alter, which has brought me peace and fulfillment, unlike anything I’ve known in the past. Through it all, I wasn’t converted, didn’t have some major epiphany, and didn’t discover some hidden spiritual treasure; I simply found my way and realized it had been with me all along.


At some point, if this site becomes sufficiently popular, I may decide to include advertisements to help recompense time spent supporting and updating it. If so, I’ll be including the following disclaimer.

As with many other blogs found on the Internet, you may see advertisements in the sidebar and footer of each page. Please understand, that is the price I pay for using a “free” account here on WordPress. I hope that in the not-too-distant future I will have the time and means to upgrade my account and have better control over the ads.

Brightest Blessings
— Druweid

Fight The Fear - Proud Pagan